Daily Plan

The Daily Plan is a step-by-step plan to support wellness and recovery. The structure helps you organize your thoughts to develop an action-oriented plan with specific things you can do to remain healthy.

Identify specific things you do and feelings you have when things are going well. Or describe how you would like to feel. Select the Add Feeling Well Items Button to view and add examples for this category.

Add things you would like to do or complete in the short term or long term. Select the Add Dreams and Goals Button to view and add examples for this category.

Enter the specific things you have to do on a regular basis to stay well. Select the Add Daily List Items Button to view and add examples for this category.

Make a reminder list for yourself of things you might need to do, but don’t do every day. Check the list each day to ensure that you do those things, as well as actions on your Daily List, to keep yourself well. You’ll avoid a lot of the stress that comes from forgetting occasional but important tasks. Select the Add Reminders Button to view and add examples for this category.

Now decide how you would like to keep all of your information so you can access it when you need it. You can choose one method or all of them, it's up to you. For an explanation of each method, visit the Help Page.

Select the Next Button to advance to the next section, Triggers.
